Over 60? California Resident? Want free tuition at California State Universities?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Senior Savers Over 60? California Resident? Want free tuition at California State Universities?

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    • #309777

      If you are a California resident who is over 60, you can get free tuition at California State University Campuses statewide.

      A few years I had to give up graduate school because the cost of tuition necessitated taking out loans, when they reached $33,000 I decided enough is enough. Other than my mortgage this is my only debt.

      In my heart of hearts I still want to earn that Doctoral degree and there is no way I can afford it. That’s why I was so delighted to discover that the CSU System still gives free tuition to students over sixty.

      I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the opportunity will still be there in 2 1/2 years when I reach that age.

      For those that meet the qualifications I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity (It will save you over $10,000 per year in tuition!)

    • #433209

      @jrodgers 246989 wrote:

      If you are a California resident who is over 60, you can get free tuition at California State University Campuses statewide.

      A few years I had to give up graduate school because the cost of tuition necessitated taking out loans, when they reached $33,000 I decided enough is enough. Other than my mortgage this is my only debt.

      In my heart of hearts I still want to earn that Doctoral degree and there is no way I can afford it. That’s why I was so delighted to discover that the CSU System still gives free tuition to students over sixty.

      I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the opportunity will still be there in 2 1/2 years when I reach that age.

      For those that meet the qualifications I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity (It will save you up to $20,000 per year in tuition! Tuition is now $10,500/ semester)

      I misspoke when I said over $10,000/yr in savings in the original post. Tuition for the doctorate program is $10,500/semester making an annual savings of $21,000/year. Undergraduate classes are about half the cost. – Jane

    • #433214

      WOW ~ That would be great! I wish they had something like this in Minnesota.

    • #433247

      Thanks for sharing this, my aunt fits in this category and she lives in CA, I’ve forwarded her the post!

    • #433378

      Hope she can use it. The Community Colleges in California have a similar program, but for no credit.

    • #437826

      What are the subjects for the tuitions? Are they teaching regular college subjects?

      (unapproved ad removed by mods)

    • #449946

      This is great, if you live near a CSU campus that still has the program. This past fall, 3 days before my 60th birthday, San Jose State eliminated the program. I’d been waiting for years to take advantage of that wonderful program.

      Several still have the program, but not in my area. So disappointing.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Senior Savers Over 60? California Resident? Want free tuition at California State Universities?