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Pool Noodle Swim Collar for Dogs

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Pool Noodle Swim Collar

While our girl absolutely LOVES the water and adores swimming, she’s super sensitive to getting water in her ears.  Dogs are actually prone to getting swimmers ear. We’ve found the noodle collar provides the perfect amount of support to keep her head (and ears) completely above water without impeding her ability to swim.

I came up with the idea after creating a similar collar to use on her to replace the dreaded cone-of-shame when she had her spay surgery last spring.

B101 Pool Noodle Collar for Swimming

We actually don’t refer to it as a collar. We call it her “pool necklace” and when we head out to the pool I always ask her if she wants her necklace on. Amusingly, she usually goes and gets it and brings it to me to put on her.

How to Make a Pool Noodle Collar

Cheap dollar store pool noodles work really well for this quick and easy pool noodle swim float necklace for dogs. If you have a smaller breed of dog, use a thinner pool noodle. If you have a large breed dog, use the fatter pool noodles to provide extra buoyancy.

You’ll Need:
1 pool noodle
1 long piece of ribbon or an adjustable canvas dog collar


Cut the pool noodle into several 2-3 inch long pieces using kitchen shears.

B101 Pool Noodle Collar Directions

Thread them on your dog’s collar or onto a wide piece of ribbon. To prevent the noodle sections from sliding around, loop the ribbon back through the noodle to secure them in place.


The number of pieces you’ll need will depend entirely on the size and breed of your dog, I used five sections on Luna’s necklace.

See the Pool Noodle Necklace in Action

What I really love about it is if she happens to fall into the swimming pool, it helps get her head above water quickly as seen here:

Repurpose a Pool Noodle into a handy Swim Collar for Dogs to keep them afloat & help keep water out of their ears! #Budget101 #DogsLife #DIY

See Also: How to Make an Easy Entry Pool Ramp for Dogs

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