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Razor Burn Cures

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Occasionally, we forget to switch out our razor blades or run out of shaving cream when we need to shave the most. This of course, causes razor burn to even the most insensitive skin. Here are three ways that we’ve found to be most effective to soothe razor burn. The three ways are treating the affected area with black tea, Aloe Vera, and Tea Tree Oil.
Black Tea contains tannic acid which can help soothe and relieve the inflammation as well as lessen the swollen area. For comforting relief with black tea, follow these 3 easy steps. 1. Brew a cup of black tea using one teabag.
2. Let the tea cool by either putting it in the fridge or freezer for approximately 10 minutes.
3. After the teabag has cooled down, rub the teabag over the affected area for 3 to 5 minutes.
Repeat as many times needed through the duration of the day, and enjoy the comforting relief.

Aloe Vera is one of the best relievers for razor burn. Aloe helps alleviate the inflammation, as well as cool the burning itching sensation. On top of that, Aloe has moisturizing properties that continuously relieve razor burn, as well as speed up the healing process.

The process for using aloe on razor burn is: 1. Attain aloe straight from an aloe leaf.
2. Apply aloe to the affected area and let it dry.
3. After it has completely dried, gently rinse off with cool or room temperature water.
4. Repeat up to 3 times a day.
Lastly, Tea Tree oil can be used to help treat and soothe razor burn. Tea Tree oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic qualities that will calm and treat razor burn very effectively.

The process for using Tea Tree oil to treat razor burn is:1. Put five drops of Tea Tree oil in two tablespoons of any light carrier oil such as grapeseed oil, almond oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil. In a pinch you could use water in place of the carrier oil.
2. Stir the solution well and then gently apply directly to the razor burn.
3. Let sit for 8-10 minutes then lightly wash the affected area with a clean wet washcloth. (Cool Water)
4. Repeat as many times as necessary during the day to alleviate symptoms.
Tips-n-Tricks for Shaving to Avoid Razor Burn

Shaving burn can be prevented easily, check out these tried and true tips for avoiding this issue to begin with!

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