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Ants on a Log

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This can be prepared ahead of your camping adventure or to just keep folks satisfied while you are grilling out on the deck . .

To Make Ants on a Log you’ll need:
peanut butter
chocolate chips

Wash celery and trim the ends. Spread peanut butter into the celery groove. Top with raisins and/or chocolate chips.
That’s as easy as it getsgiggle smileyI’m sure that ya’ll can come up with other useful means to dole out these simple treats! I just remember DD asking while I was unloading gear to set up camp, “Is it time to eat bugs yet?!”

Now you know why I had some prepared before leaving home in baggies on top of everything in the cooler. A baggie of ‘Ants on a Log’ in her hands would allow me to get most of the campsite in order.

Hope this works for a few of yougiggle smiley


© Can Stock Photo Inc. / McIninch

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1 thought on “Ants on a Log”

  1. adult version – stuff celery with creamed cheese, cut into bite sized pieces, top with half an olive and sprinkle with shredded carrot, paprika, hot pepper or whatever pleases you ummm


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