All Purpose Bleach Cleaner
3 T liquid chlorine bleach
1 quart cold water
Combine in a bucket, Dip clean washcloth or rag in cleaner & wipe onto colorfast surface. Let sit 2-3 minutes, rinse off. Or pour into a spray bottle, be sure to label bottle.
Make your own All Purpose Bleach Cleaner
Meta Description:
You don’t have to purchase expensive cleaners to kill viruses like H1N1, you can make your own all-purpose cleaner with this inexpensive recipe
Meta Keywords:
All Purpose Bleach Cleaner recipe, make your own cleaners, homemade all purpose cleaner, make your own laundry detergent, laundry detergent recipes, laundry soap recipe, homemade laundry soap, homemade detergents, myo laundry soap, myo laundry detergent, frugal laundry, do it yourself laundry recipes,
from taking classes on sanitation for childcare, i learned you should only use cold water with bleach, because hot water causes it to loose its strength. and it needs to be made a new batch every day because the chlorine evaporates. i never knew this, always used hot water with bleach.