Tips ~n~ Tricks » Kids ~n~ Babies » MYO Baby Formula: Hernandez Formula

MYO Baby Formula: Hernandez Formula

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** Under certain circumstances, it may be alright to use homemade formula, but consult your baby’s pediatrician before introducing this to your infant. Breastfeeding is always the best choice, with commercially prepared formulas second.

Always Consult your baby’s pediatrician before introducing this to your infant.

Hernandez Formula
1 qt. oat, rice, almond, or soy milk (ranked here by ease of digestion), heated to boiling, then cooled
1 cup organic carrot juice
1/2 cup of the strained liquid from a mixture of blended mung bean, lentil, and alfalfa sprouts
4 tbsp. maple syrup
1 tsp. linseed oil
300 IU Calcium/Magnesium liquid
500 mg. Vitamin C powder
1 tbsp. nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp. chlorophyll liquid
100 mg. folic acid

Various milks have very different protein contents. Work with a naturopathic doctor to tune these amounts if using this formula longer than a few weeks. In addition, Borage oil or Evening Primrose oil can be added as a source of gamma linolenic acid. Human milk has significant amounts of GLA and it is required for the synthesis of necessary hormones.



Hernandez Homemade Baby Formula Recipe

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Homemade Baby Formula, Baby Formula Recipes, baby food recipes, formula recipe, make your own baby formula, myo baby formula, myo infant formula, homemade baby food

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