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Leaf Gloss

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Throughout the winter months houseplants can easily be overcome with dust that settles due to furnaces and ceiling fans constantly circulating it throughout the home. Here is a simple, inexpensive homemade leaf gloss that will restore your plants healthy luster . . .

Leaf Gloss Recipe
3 T water
3 T milk

Combine the milk and water and gently swab onto the plants leaves with a clean, soft cloth. Repeat to remove all dust and excess dirt and to achieve a nice glossy sheen.

Did you know that having healthy houseplants actually cleans toxins such as Formaldehyde (which is found in clothing, insulation, furniture,paper goods, etc), Benzene (which is found in tobacco smoke, inks, detergents, oils, plastics, etc) and Trichloroethylene (which is found in paints, varnishes, lacquers and more).

To view more information about which houseplants to have in your home to negate these rampantly occurring toxins check out this complete list here. According to expert studies, the addition of just 1 healthy plant per hundred square feet can make a difference in the air quality of your home.

© Can Stock Photo Inc. / johnnymac

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2 thoughts on “Leaf Gloss”

  1. i’ll have to try this. i was told years ago to use mayonnaise but i have always worried that it would start to smell. claudia

  2. Will try this. Love to have house plants in kitchen and family room. Hope the kitties will not be attracted to milk on leaves


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