munching a budget pachyderm

Munching a Budget Pachyderm . . .

You might have heard the old adage, How do you eat an elephant? Well, dear reader, the answer is “one bite at a time”. And so it goes with munching a budget pachyderm.

I’m willing to wager that you didn’t get into debt overnight, but rather in small chunks over a period of time, perhaps even years. You might not have even realized how big your “elephant” was getting, until it slapped you in the face.

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The Lion’s Share- When Housework isn’t so Even

Early on in my marriage it seemed that I handled the lion’s share of the housework.I would often mention (in off-hand) comments, that it would be nice to have a little help once in awhile. It took me a few years before I learned that my approach to my husband was what prevented him from helping with the housework!

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