5ca00f89efdb1 traveling spy game

Traveling Spy Game

Yeah! It’s vacation time. Whether it’s fun in the sun or visiting family and friends back home, you can’t wait to get there and have fun. All of a sudden, it hits you…that long drive. The kids constantly asking, “are we there yet?” Maybe the kids get really bored and cranky and start hollering, “He’s touching me!” or “She made a face at me!” Well, the Traveling Spy Game can help prevent all that, even if only one person wants to play!

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how to plan a frugal labor day picnic

How to Plan a Frugal Labor Day Picnic

Labor day began on September 5, 1982 in New York City. It was originally celebrated as a working man’s holiday. In our home, Labor Day is usually our last ditch effort to hold a family get-together. It’s our way of saying Goodbye to summer and hello to the busy school season that’s about to hit us. Since it’s supposed to be a working womans holiday, I prefer to keep it as simple as possible!

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