Starting a home business with Team Beachbody is an opportunity that not only helps you attain fitness but does wonders to your health. To top it up, you end up earning well. Experience in the fitness industry has an added advantage but is not a requirement
in order to get get started with Team Beachbody. Once you are a customer for Beachbody, you have higher chances of becoming a coach as compared to people who try to join up as a coach straight away.
The important factor is being aware of the products e.g. nutritional and fitness programs. As a coach you should be aware of these products as well as use them. Team Beachbody facilitates taking control of your own well-being giving you the alternative of how many working hours to invest depending on your set goals. You can start earning with team Beachbody by growing your own team by expanding your customer base. This would require you to market your workouts and have customers watch them.
As a customer, you are assigned a coach who will provide you with the necessary guidance. You will join the coach’s team hence clear understanding should be emphasized to ensure that you and your coach are compatible. For non-customers, conducting a research over the net is essential and looking for a coach to join with. Bombard the coach with all your questions keeping your mind open as you may not be compatible with your current coach.
You are to upgrade your free membership to club level which costs $2.99 weekly. Your present account must now be a member account to ensure you continue on to become a coach. At this stage, you are to log your WOWY workouts into the WOWY gym online where customers, coaches and other club members get their daily workouts. To advance as a coach your workouts should be a minimum of eight monthly. You could increase the logins depending on your preference as the more logins, the higher the commission.
Go back to the Team Beachboy website and select coach from the top menu and register as one. The application form requires your Social Security Number for taxation and establishing your citizenship. A requirement for signing in is payment for a Get Started Right Coach kit at $39.99. Every month you will be charged $15 for the Coach Membership to cater for website as well as your online back office. You are to make purchases that will give you a minimum of 50 personal points to remain active.
As a coach you earn 25% of the purchases made by the customers who have joined your team. To increase the sales you have to motivate the clients having their best interest at heart. The more the customers like their results the more purchases hence higher income for you.
Also you obtain 50% commission on memberships of people you have referred at $19.44. As a coach you could encourage other people to join as the more the members the higher your bonus will you advance to higher level coaching, incentives like paid vacations are offered.