Outdoor Candle Lanterns (for balconies and patios)

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Gardening & Landscaping Outdoor Candle Lanterns (for balconies and patios)

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    • #354221

      To make decorative candle holders you will need the following items:

      a ladle made of soft metal (dollar store!)
      colored cardboard
      color gravel
      glue or double-sided adhesive tape.

      Bend the handle of the ladle, you can do this by pressing it over the edge of a board, creating a handle for example for mounting on the balcony railing.

      Create “petals” by cutting them from cardboard (don’t forget the leaves) then glue them to the bottom of the ladle.

      Fill with colored aquarium gravel and and put in a tea light candle. The petals help keep the wind off the candle.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Gardening & Landscaping Outdoor Candle Lanterns (for balconies and patios)