Cheap long distance

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    • #259595

      Our long distance just went up in price. We pay $5 per month for 60

      minutes of long distance. We don’t use long distance much (obviously)

      and when we do we try to always use the cheap SAMS 3.3 cents per

      minute AA & T card. We generally wind up using about an hour of long

      distance per month that we just pick up the phone and make a short

      call without dialing all those extra numbers that you have to dial

      with the long distance pre-paid card.

      So… A T & T says that we MUST declare a long distance carrier. What

      is out there that is super cheap per month? What happens if we don’t

      declare a long distance carrier? A T & T has a plan that has NO

      monthly fees. But, if we pick up the phone and forget to use the

      pre-paid card, it is THIRTY-FIVE cents per minute! Ouch!



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