Bar code readers, pantry barcode inventory, ideas?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Frugal Savings Bar code readers, pantry barcode inventory, ideas?

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    • #312484

      In a perfect world I would know exactly what food I had on hand before I went to the grocery store, but I have a rather large pantry and freezer which makes it hard to search for items.

      I noticed that grocery stores use bar code readers (with an input for custom bar codes) and I was wondering if anyone has tried to apply this means of inventory at home?

      I would love to be able to scan my shelves, and rotate the food in my freezer every month and plan meals around what I have on hand, rather than responding to the displays at the store.

      There have also been times that I’ve had to throw out food because it spoiled (especially rice, flax meal, and processed grain products) Perhaps I could avoid this if I used my resources in a more thoughtful manner and knew exactly what I have on hand before I go shopping.

      Would a cell phone bar code reader work for this? Is there a home inventory program that uses bar codes? Could I integrate it into a data base or spreadsheet program?

      Please give me some ideas of where to look for information – perhaps this will work for others as well.

    • #435280

      I am not aware of this kind of system, would be a good idea. I use an Excel spreadsheet for inventory, but you need to key in the information.

    • #441065

      That would be a great thought, but you’d still have to make sure your inventory was rotated with dates in the foreground with the closest expiration dates.

      My OCD applies to my cabinets, so I can always tell at a glance what I have and can pretty much tell you cabinet, side, and shelf for any item that I have. Grouping items like they do in the grocery stores helps keep track (canned goods/veggies/tomato paste/sauce/fruits together, including applesauce/etc) of product and as always, old in front–new to the back. Makes meal planning and grocery list making very simple and easy!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Frugal Savings Bar code readers, pantry barcode inventory, ideas?