Why I keep water in the fridge- My Frugal .02

Budget101 Discussion List Archives General Budget & Finance Why I keep water in the fridge- My Frugal .02

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    • #296328

      Ok, I’ve been lurking here for a very long time and I thought I’d add my moneys tight .02 :

      Here it is- I always keep a full gallon jug of water in the fridge, year round. Here are my reasons why:

      1. Our City Water is Never cold- running the tap wastes Water and costs $$$
      2. I refuse to buy disposable plastic bottles- another money waster & green issue
      3. Everyone is supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day- it’s just plain good for you
      4. No Ice Cubes Necessary- the water is already cold. Which saves money because we’re not opening and closing the freezer 50x’s a day for more ice!
      5. Water is always cold and on hand whenever we want it.
    • #430071

      Good reasons to me. I need to do the same thing!

    • #397880

      I do the same, my water comes from a spring on my property, filtered of course but I’ve yet to find water that taste better to me, then my own. Oh and it’s free!

    • #430081

      I miss the fresh springs that we had on our property in New England. There’s nothing yummier than a glass of crystal clear spring water, it’s so refreshing. It’s funny, you don’t think of things like that until you move and suddenly the water that pours out of the tap is orange with rust from hard water! It’s quite a shock to the system.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives General Budget & Finance Why I keep water in the fridge- My Frugal .02