spouse sabatoge

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    • #249299

      this is the best way i have done it:
      dont give your husband the checkbook or debit card or atm, give him
      cash after each paycheck, tell him this is all he has to use until
      next pay day…if he uses it all before its up, then he has to find a
      new way to pay for things, such as bring a lunch to work or what
      ever. i have found that giving him 100 for 2 weeks is more than
      enough, he uses it for gas and what not, if he some left over, i make
      him give it to me and i put it in a savings account for us to go on
      vacation or for him to buy a special things he’s been wanting for
      while, he has learned to save more of it and not just spend it on
      useless things, i know it sounds like an allowence for your kids, but
      after all, isn’t your husband your kid as well?
      hope this helps
      michelle brown

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