Make your Own Luscious Lemon Lavender Sorbet! This delicately flavored sorbet is smooth and refreshing. It’s fantastic to serve following a dinner party with friends or just as a light treat in the evening after a long, hot, day.
What Kind of Lavender?
Nearly forty plants with the mint family are technically classified as lavender, although the most common form is “Lavandula angustifolia” this genus is found especially in the Mediterranean. It’s imperative that you use culinary lavender, as it imparts a subtly sweet, citrusy flavor that cannot be matched by ornamental lavender.
Luscious Lemon Lavender Sorbet
You’ll Need:
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups water
1 tablespoon culinary lavender flowers (food grade)
2 1/2 tablespoons freshly-squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons vodka
Combine sugar and water in a saucepan over med heat until the sugar dissolves completely, Add the lavender and bring mixture to a boil; immediately reduce heat to low and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand approximately 10 minutes to allow the lavender to infuse.
Place a fine mesh strainer over a large bowl & strain syrup mixture to remove all of the lavender flowers, set them aside or discard them. Add lemon juice and the vodka to the strained mixture and stir until thoroughly blended. While you technically COULD omit the vodka, it truly is the secret to the perfectly smooth textured sorbet.
Pour into a covered container & freeze, in about 2 hrs, once it’s semi-solid, mash it up with a fork & refreeze. Once frozen, place in a food processor or blender & pulse until smooth. Cover and refreeze until serving time.
Makes 8 to 10 servings.
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