6 T. dried onion flakes
2 T. grated parmesan cheese
2 T. corn starch
1 tablespoon soybean flour
2 – 3 T. vegetable protein
2 T. instant mashed potato
Combine all ingredients and seal in ziploc or vacuum seal bag (or jar).
To Use
2 T. mix to 1 mug boiling water – or to taste. Stir well.
What exactly is “vegetable protein”?
Vegetable protein is also known as tvp (or textured vegetable protein); texture vegetable protein, tvp for short, is a high-fiber, high-protein meat substitute made from soy flour and available in a variety of flavored and unflavored varieties.
btw, you may also see it in recipes as textured soy protein (tsp), soy meat, or soya chunks which is a defatted soy flour product, a by-product of extracting soybean oil. it is often used as a meat analogue or meat extender.
I made this soup. Really yucky and beige. I have Dried TVP flakes, too.
the soy flour added a bitter flavor. sorry.
Could rice flour be substituted for the soy?