This is a recipe that I adapted out of necessity, because my youngest child practically lives on peanut butter and dill pickles sandwiches. Hey.. don’t knock it if ya haven’t tried it.”
These are by far the easiest pickles to make and this is the perfect homemade pickle recipe for someone who has never canned anything before.
Prepare your cukes, you’ll need 8lbs of 4″ – 6″ pickling cukes (aka, cucumbers, that’s a Yankee term!) cut length-wise into 4 spears.
Combine the Following into a Spice Bag & Set aside:
3 Tbs. Mixed Pickling Spices
Combine the following in a Lg Saucepot over medium heat:
* 3/4 c. Sugar
* 1/2 c. Canning Salt
* 1 qt. Vinegar
* 1 qt. water
* Spice bag
Bring mix to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes
While it’s simmering pack your cut cukes into clean sterilized jars.
Ladle Pickle Juice over spears into prepared jars, leaving 1/4 in headspace. Remove air bubbles.
* Place 1 head of fresh dill in each jar
Adjust two-piece caps, Process 15 minutes in a boiling water bath (pts or qts)
Liss Notes: This is about the easiest pickle there is to make. Let them set 5 days for best flavor.
Variation– To Make Kosher-Style Pickles add 1 bay leaf, 1 clove garlic, 1 hot red pepper- seeded, 1/2 tsp mustard seed to each jar
this sounds delicious. i was wondering, however, do you, or anyone else, have a recipe for making sweet pickles or sweet and spicy pickles? thanks
Here’s the best one for Sweet Pickles:
do these pickles come out crunchy? i like homemade pickles, but i would like the dill to be crunchy. thanks!
i think i’m going to try the bread and butter recipe….we love sweet pickles!!
sounds amazing! we love pickles…may have to try sweet ones to
sounds easy enough. i love dill pickles. i’m definitely going to have to try these.
i used the recipe from freebiequeen and the pickles are better than store bought! thanks freebiequeen!!