Recipes » Canning ~ Preserving » How to Prepare Peaches for Canning or Freezing

How to Prepare Peaches for Canning or Freezing

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Peaches are relatively easy to can. They don’t require a pressure canner, you only need to process them in a boiling water bath.

fresh peaches in box preparing peaches for pie filling

How to Prepare Peaches for Canning or Freezing

First – you need to peel your peaches. There are two ways to do this, if the peaches are nicely ripe, you can slice them in half, grasp the peach with both hands and gently twist. This will loosen the stone and make it easy to pop out without creating any bruising on your peach.

If you’d like to keep the counters clean and mess-free, place a cutting board inside a jelly-roll pan. This will help contain the juices and prevent sticky juice drips from spreading around.


Slip the edge of the knife at the skin and pull gently; the peel will slip right off. In the event that the skins do not pop right off, you have two choices, you can wait a few days until the peaches are ripe, or you can speed the process along with the boiling water method.

peeling fresh peaches for home canning

Bring a large saucepan to a boil and plunge the peaches ( a few at a time) into boiling water for 20-60 seconds. Remove them from the water and immediately plunge them into ice water for at least 2 minutes.

bowl of peeled peach halves preparing peaches

Finish peeling your peaches and place them in a large bowl of cold water; add 1/4 – 1/3 cup of Lemon juice or two tablespoons of Fruit Fresh. This prevents your peaches from darkening.

prepared peach halves in water in a bowl ready to home can

Note: Be sure to remove any dark spots, mushy pieces, etc. If the fruit is still good, you can use these pieces for peach jam.

Peaches are relatively easy to can. They don’t require a pressure canner, you only need to process them in a boiling water bath.

What Next?

Now that the peaches have been prepared, you can either can them or make any of hundreds of peach recipes. Here are a few of my favorites:

peach pie filling budget101

Where to get Peaches?

Hopefully, you have access to a real farmers’ market, (not to offend anyone, but I’ve seen some pretty sad commercial markets claiming “Farm Stand Prices” over the last couple of years), but true farm stand prices such as a bushel of peaches for $20.

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