Melted Snowman Gravy
The day we prayed for had arrived at last,
Winter weather came in from the north with a blast.
We dug out our coats, hats, and mittens too,
And ran out to play for an hour or two.
We rolled a great ball, using all the snow that we had,
Then we borrowed from the neighbors-they weren’t very mad!
We built a three-story snowman, a rare sight to see,
In this Louisiana bayou of heat and humidity.
The wind changed, now blowing out of the south
And soon all we had left was mud and the coal from his mouth.
But in the spirit of sharing and Christmas greetings, too
Here’s some leftover snowman from the Burnell’s to you.
Gift tag:
Melted Snowman Gravy
Melt 1/2 cup butter in pan.
Mix Melted Snowman Gravy mix with 2 cups of milk until smooth.
Add to melted butter. Cook and stir over medium heat until thick.
Serve over biscuits or pancakes.
Recipe for Chocolate Gravy mix:
4 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ cup all purpose flower
¾ cup sugar
submitted to budget101 by Laurie
i adore the little poem and since we live on the mississippi coast it is perfectly fitting for here as well. :xmas10:
very cute idea!!!
has this recipe been in your family, or did you find it somewhere???