Recipes » Dehydrated- Dried Foods » Dehydrating Tomatoes

Dehydrating Tomatoes

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To Dehydrate:
Slice tomatoes into ¼” slices. Place on dehydrator and dry until crisp. Place dried tomato slices into blender, herb, or coffee grinder and blend until a fine powder. Use powder in a variety of dishes from soups to meatloaf.


To 1 cup of dried tomato powder, add the following….

Tomato Paste:
1¾ cup water and ½ tsp. sugar.

Tomato Sauce:
3 cups water and ½ tsp. sugar.

Tomato Juice:
3-5 cups water or to desired thickness.
Salt, pepper, to taste.

Tomato Soup:
¾ cup water, ½ cup dry milk.
Season to taste.

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