Everyone knows that Santa is supposed to come down the chimney, but what if you don’t have a fireplace? You can make one with the kids using some paper and boxes & decorate it!
Here are several examples that our fans created and shared with us on our Facebook page. The complete tutorial for making your own is available at the bottom of the page!
Source: FB/Budget101com Fan Livy Temple
Source: FB/Budget101com Fan Shell Rhodes
Source: FB/Budget101com Fan Jessica Abel
Source: FB/Budget101com Fan Stephanie Shepherd
Source: FB/Budget101com Fan Jennifer Conley
What You’ll Need :
Cardboard boxes (FREE)
Duct Tape ($3)
2 rolls of Kraft Paper or you can use the white side of inexpensive wrapping paper Or you can get BRICK Paper
Paint (brick red + off-white paint)
1 Sponge ($1.39)
Ruler, Scissors and/or Box Cutter
First, Figure out what size and width you’ll want the fireplace to be. Measure and draw them out. Gather enough cardboard to cover the job.
The easiest way is to use similar size boxes so you don’t have to cut and tape as many pieces together.
Set up the boxes against the wall you want to display the fireplace on to be sure the sizes are correct.
Measure and cut the paper to match each of the sides and the mantle. You want enough to just wrap around the boxes as though you were wrapping a present.
Then, spread the paper out and using the sponge and darker paint color, sponge on the brick design.
Paint the top mantlepiece, then allow the pieces to dry fully.
Arrange them up against the wall, tape them in place, then tape them together for stability.
Decorate your mantle and hang your stockings with care!