Holidays » Christmas, Winter Solstice, Yule » Tealight Snowman Ornaments

Tealight Snowman Ornaments

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Create your own festive snowman ornaments out of inexpensive tea lights! Adorn packages, gift bags, gift baskets or decorate the tree with these cute, easy to make lights.

You’ll Need:
Tealights (we purchased ours at the dollar store)
Black Sharpie or Craft Paint
Ribbon in whatever colors you like
Black Felt or Mini Hats
Hot Glue gun

Draw a face on the tealight using a sharpie or paint. Add a tiny dot of white in the center of the eye for a bit of sparkle! Otherwise your little ornaments will look zombie-ish.

To attach a pre-made hat, make a tiny slice in the top of the hat and slip the ribbon through.

Attach the ribbon to the bottom of the tealight with a dab of glue and secure the hat and ribbon in place on the top with another dab of glue.


You can make scarves and hot glue them to the bottom.

To make a pipe, break off a piece of toothpick and paint it black. Drop a tiny spot of hot glue and let it cool, form it into a cob shape and then attach it to the toothpick with another dab of hot glue. Paint it black and hot glue the pipe to the snowman.


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10 thoughts on “Tealight Snowman Ornaments”

  1. The black hat is made out of felt, trace a nickel for the bottom rim and a dime for the top rim, then cut the felt to form the hat. Hot glue the pieces together to shape them into a hat and then hot glue it to the top of the tealight.


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