Hamburglar would have to be one of the most well-known characters, especially for kids. He is popularized by the McDonalds Company as a mascot. Making a Halloween costume based on this character is really a great idea. If you love this character, here are some directions to make a costume from basic items you have lying around the house . . .
Materials needed:A pair striped Black and White shirt and pants A red necktie A black hat A black eye mask An old yellow t-shirt Paper, crayons, scissors, tape (for the print details on the necktie)
Making the Hamburglar costume is really easy. First is you need to cut out the yellow t-shirt and make a cape out of it. Make sure also to cut out a strip of cloth from the yellow shirt to wrap around the hat. Now you have the cape and the hat ready, use the paper and crayons to draw hamburgers, cut it out, paste it on the red necktie.
Put on the eye mask, the striped clothing, the famous hamburglar hat, and red tie!