Did you know that you can make your own Face cream using a basic “weed” in your front yard?
Broad leaf plantain (Not the banana looking thing) is the one I use because it is abundant. You can use narrow leaf plantain also.
Take a good amount of leaves and wash if really needed. Make sure you are getting plants free of pesticides and not picked from roadside. Simmer leaves in oil of choice ( I like coconut oil) for at least 4 hours over very low heat. I sometimes crock pot it for a couple days. Strain oil from leaves into containers and store in fridge.
Also, this makes a great skin remedy. Bug bites, scrapes,rashes etc. You use the same method but I like lard with this one. It’s thicker.
Olive oil is good also. Again, store in fridge.
This remedy cured a rash that my husband had for months. Nothing touched it. I was out of our medicine. As soon as I could get my hands on it again I made more. Sure enough, in a couple of weeks it was gone.
Just thought I would share.
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