Harry Potter » Harry Potter Party Decoration Ideas

Harry Potter Party Decoration Ideas

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Harry Potter Party Decoration Ideas

witch hatHang scarlet and gold, or red and yellow balloons and crepe paper from the mailbox, front porch, and in the party area.

witch hatMake a cardboard “shield” with a lion emblem on it and hang it on the front door (the lion is the symbol for Gryffindor).

witch hatProp a broomstick near the front door.

witch hatPlace a black cauldron near the front door with candy in it to give to arriving guests.


witch hatHang pictures of trolls, gnomes, owls, cats, toads, mice, ghosts, dragons, unicorns, castles, etc. You can tear such pictures out of coloring books or make your own from a computer printer.

witch hatHang paper or plastic bats (leftover from Halloween) from the entranceway to your porch or from the ceiling in the party area.

witch hatSuspend a stuffed owl from the ceiling and attach a rolled-up letter to its feet.

witch hatHang white Christmas lights from the ceiling in the party area and dim the lights.

witch hat If you have a basement, put a sign on the door to the basement that reads, “Dungeon.”

witch hatIf you have a wooded area in your yard, place a sign near it that reads, “Forbidden Forest.”


witch hatPut a sign in the kitchen or above a doorway that reads, “Great Hall.”

witch hatCover a large book with a paper cover that reads, “Magic Spells.” Place the book on a coffee table or on the party table.

witch hatPlace plastic toy animals, such as snakes, in jars of water to represent pickled animals.

Witches Apothecary Chest

witch hatUse a red tablecloth and gold or yellow colored paper plates, cups, and napkins. You can also use goblets or teacups for the drinks.

"For a bubbling cauldron table centerpiece, place a block of dried ice in a cauldron and pour water over it. The dried ice will create a spooky smoking effect. Dry ice can be purchased at welding shops, or look under “Ice” in the yellow pages of the phone book. CAUTION: Dry ice can be dangerous! The very low temperature can burn the skin, so you must be very careful not to touch it. Ask an adult for help, and follow the dealer’s directions about safe handling procedures.

witch hatPlay songs like “The Unicorn Song,” by the Irish Rovers, or “Puff the Magic Dragon,” or Hogwarts song.

witch hatHogwarts is an enchanted castle, full of ghosts, secret passages, and mysteries. Why not throw in a few surprises to enchant your own house? Add tape recordings throughout various rooms, alternating moans, groans, and cackles with stretches of silence. Hide a tape player in the bathroom, and let the tape play during the party.

witch hatAll Hogwarts students meet and eat under the magnificent starry sky of the Great Hall. Create your own constellations using either glow-in-the-dark stars or ones handcrafted with cardboard and glitter paint. Hang them from the ceiling with tape and thread in the room you’ll use to play indoor games.

Harry Potter Party Decoration Ideas

submitted to budget101.com by Jesalle

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