Girl Scout Leader Survival Kit
Mounds- for the mounds of information you learn.
Crayon to color your day bright and cheerful
Nuts to be a little nutty sometimes, and have a good laugh
Puzzle Piece without you, things wouldn’t be complete
Band-aid for healing hurt feelings, yours or someone else
Marbles to replace those we lose from time to time.
Rope to remind you that when you reach the end of yours,
just tie a know and hang on!
Sponge to soak up the overflow, when your brain is too full to hold anymore.
Cup for when yours is overflowing
Rubber band: a reminder to stay flexible
Aspirin when all else fails, take 2 and find a quiet corner
String to tie things together when everything falls apart
Eraser to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and that’s okay.
Sweet and sour candy to help you accept and appreciate the differences in others
Hugs and Kisses to remind you that someone cares for you
Penny so you’ll never be broke
Paper clip to help you hold it all together
Candle to remind you to share your light with others
posted by michelle