Grandparents Survival Kit
Hand Lotion : to remind you that babies need a soft touch
Safety Pin : to help remind you to be safe
Marbles : to replace the ones you may have lost raising your own kids
Lifesavers : because grandparents can be lifesavers
Pen and paper : to remind you to write down your thoughts and memories to share with them when they are older
Small hand mirror : to remind you that you play a very important roll in the life of your grandchild!
Wipes : for cleaning up those little messes
Candle : to remind you, you will be the light of that child’s eye
Peppermint : to remind you that you are worth a mint
Brag Book : so you will always have your grandchild near
Sweet & Sour Candy : to remind you that every child can be both at any given moment
Clock : to remind you that time passes to quickly…enjoy every minute
Mounds Bar : for the mounds of wisdom you will pass on to your grandchild
Starburst : for that extra burst of energy when you wear out but they don’t.
Hershey’s Hugs & Kisses : because you deserve them
posted by marylina