Friendship Survival Kit
A mint: you’re worth a mint to me.
A button: If you can’t say something nice, it’s better to “button your lip”.
A tissue: For drying tears.
A toothpick: To “pick out” the good qualities in everyone.
A gold thread: Friendship is the golden thread that ties together our hearts.
A flower: In the “garden of life” each friendship is beautiful and unique.
Lifesavers: Sometimes we all need a little help.
Cotton Ball: To cushion the rough roads.
Rubber Band: For flexibility!
Sweet & Sour Tarts: A reminder to appreciate the differences in others.
A Hug & Kiss: Sometimes we all need hugs & kisses.
Happy Faces: Smiling is contagious.
Candle: You light up my life.
Bandaid: For healing hurt feelings.
Paper Clip: To keep everything together.
A Star: To reflect your inner beauty
posted by marylina