Divorce Survival Kit
Shampoo – to wash that man right out of your hair.
Rubber Ball – to help you “bounce” back.
Tootsie Roll – to help you roll with the punches.
Marbles – to replace the ones you will lose
Lifesaver candy – for when you feel you are drowning in litigation
Skittles Candy – to remind you that there is a rainbow at the end of every storm.
Paperclip – to help you hold it all together
Piece of String – when you get to the end of your rope, tie a know to this and hang on
Eraser – to remind you that you can start all over with a clean slate.
Pack of Gum – to remind you that your friends will “stick” by you.
Candle – to light up the dark times
Cotton Ball – to cushion the rough roads ahead
A lemon drop – to remind you that “when life gives you lemons, you make
A penny – to give you the extra cents (sense) to know which battles are worth fighting, and which are better ignored.
Hugs & Kisses – from me, whenever you need them.
posted by marylina