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Homemade Gift Coupons

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Last Minute Gift Idea for those experiencing a Budget Crunch… Create your own Gift Coupons- share your time and talents with these inexpensive gifts that will be cherished . . .

1. Coupon Ideas for Kids Under 10
2. Coupons Ideas for Teens & Tweens
3. Coupons Ideas for Adults, Friends & Entire families
4. Coupon Ideas From Grammies/Grandpa’s etc
5. Free Printable Coupons
6. Romantic Coupon Ideas

What Next?

One particularly (financially) difficult year my (talented & Crafty) Mom created coupon books for my brother and I. These were gifts that we received throughout the year. Some coupons had designated dates, such as for the Month of June. (This is to prevent the recipient from “cashing-in” all at once.) As a recipient of these Coupons, I can tell you, they are greatly appreciated.

What kind of coupons should you give?

Well, the depends entirely on the recipient of your gift. My brother, a teenager at the time, received a coupon good for a tank of gas, to be used in a certain Month. (If I recall correctly, he actually received a couple.) One important note, when creating these coupons, it’s good to set a dollar limit on your coupon. Why not have an old-fashioned Christmas and give the most valuable, memorable gift of all, The gift of TIME.

These are especially great for children to present to Adults. They can wash the car, help with dishes, vacuum, keep their room clean for 1 week, etc.

How to Present them?

You can present these in many ways:

1. Print on business cards & add as stocking stuffers, hide in their lunches, leave them in places they use frequently (mirrors, books they’re reading), beside the toothbrush, etc)
2. Place several in a small photo album
3. Present several in a new purse or wallet
4. Print them onto Index Cards & staple them as a book

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