Learn how to get great deals and discounts for dining out on a budget! These simple tips will show you how you can score free meals and massive discounts with minimal effort . . .
Many restaurants offer special discounts and free food when you sign up for their reward cards, newsletters, and/or birthday clubs. In addition, some restaurant chains have also come out with smartphone apps that give customers digital coupons. These deals get even sweeter when you download the Ibotta Smartphone app which gives customers cash back on purchases made at participating restaurants.
If that’s not enough, these savings can be stretched even further when you take advantage of special gift card promotions. Many restaurant chains periodically offer free bonus gift cards when you purchase gift cards from them, such as $10 free when you purchase $50 worth of gift cards. You can save these cards for a rainy day or give them out as gifts. Many credit card companies such as Discover periodically offer cash back rewards on restaurant purchases. Stock up on gift cards at your favorite restaurants during these promotions and rake in the savings!
If all else fails and you can’t find any good deals, eat at restaurants where food portions are large and split the meal with your fellow diners. Beware though; some restaurants are now charging a fee for extra plates to compensate for the revenue lost to food sharing.
The following is a list of restaurants that offer reward programs and a description of what they offer:
- Famous Daves Barbecue: Sends coupons to your email when you sign up for their mailing list.
- Denny’s: Offers a free grand slam on your birthday, kids eat free on Tuesdays from 4-10pm, and their rewards program sends customers money saving coupons via email.
- Governors: Sign up for their rewards card and get $7 loaded onto your card during your birth month each year. Customers also earn reward points for every purchase. For every 250 points get $10 loaded onto your card.
- Panera Bread: Reward program gives customers free food for signing up and other discounts.
- Dairy Queen: Mailing list sends customers periodic coupons via email such as BOGO blizzards.
- Home Town Buffet: Mailing list sends coupons to customers via emails and texts.
- Pizza Hut: Mailing list sends customers coupons via email
- Olive Garden: Sign up for their newsletter and get a free dessert when you purchase two adult entrees
- Texas Roadhouse: Mailing list sends customers coupons via email
- Margaritas: circle of friends reward program gives customers 25% off first visit just for registering, 1 point for each $1 spent with at $10 reward at 150 points (double points at lunch), and $10 Birthday off their bill during their birth month.
- TGI Fridays: Reward program gives customers a free dessert or appetizer when they sign up and awards points for purchases which can be redeemed for discounts.
- Mc Donalds: McD app not to be confused with the Mc Donalds app, gives customers digital coupons for free food and discounts.
- Burger King: Smartphone app gives customers digital coupons for discounts.
- Dunkin Donuts: Smartphone app gives customers digital coupons for discounts
- To Locate additional meals and discounts for Birthdays, Anniversaries and other special occasions, check the Freebies Forum Daily.
If you’re really looking to trim your eating out expenses, consider making your favorite restaurant dishes at home with this fantastic collection of Copycat/Clone Recipes.
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