Frugal Living » Food and Nutrition Coalition-Your chance to help

Food and Nutrition Coalition-Your chance to help

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Many of us have an interest in solving food hunger issues whether with our own family or by helping others to solve this problem. Would you like to have a say in what is going on across the US and help more? You have great ideas and can really help this coaliation address hunger issues and help millions. It is free to join and participate. All it requires is some of your time and a sharing of ideas. I would be honored to see my budget101 family join any of the committees.

Joining FNC is an opportunity for you to directly engage with over 600 organizations and individuals who are working to fight hunger, improve nutrition, and create sustainable and just food systems from across the country. As a FNC member, you will be able to access resources, share experiences, network, and be actively engaged in Committee work. You choose the level of participation that is right for you.

Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter: FoodNutriCoalition@myFNC

You can also participate in free webinars and the 2012 Annual Meeting:

The Food and Nutrition Coalition (FNC) invites you to our 2012 Annual Meeting
Date: December 6, 2012 (Thursday)
Time:10:00 am – 5:30 pm EST
Who:Open to the Public, But All Attendees Must Register by Nov. 30
Locations:The Annual Meeting will take place simultaneously in 8 different cities across the country.
The 8 different locations will be connected by video, audio, and webinar tool. You can attend remotely too.
Fee:Meeting is free. Attendees will pay for their own lunch ~$15 (food options may vary by location)
Register and RSVP by Nov. 30:

Purpose:FNC, formerly the Food and Nutrition Service Outreach Coalition, has revamped itself with the creation of an Advisory Board made up of FNC members who represent organizations large and small from across the country. FNC has also created new Committees focused on key issues such as Afterschool Meals and Summer Food, American Indian/Alaska Native Outreach, Farm to School, Hunger-Free Communities, Senior Outreach, Social Media and Innovative Technology, and SNAP at Farmers’ Markets. We invite you to the annual meeting to see how FNC can help you and how you can help strengthen FNC. You will have the opportunity to collaborate and network with our FNC members that share your interests in ending hunger, providing nutrition education, and/or creating just and sustainable food systems. This is your chance to chart the direction for the new FNC.

What is your passion when it comes to food? Join a committe, attend the Annual Meeting (available by internet). Have a say and help provide direction to allow us to really make an impact on improving hunger issues. Hope to see many of you join! Your ideas are wonderful and will go far to help others.

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