Do It Yourself » DIY Decorating » Easy Wall Murals- How to add any Design to a Wall

Easy Wall Murals- How to add any Design to a Wall

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Decorative wall murals can add an awesome accent to any room, but what if you’re not artistically inclined? No worries my friend, here’s how to add any design to a wall, it’s as simple as coloring!

Easy Wall Murals- How to add any Design to a Wall

My wife and I are expecting a girl. She found a giraffe mural in a magazine that we decided to try. It requires what some might call basic art skills like tracing and painting in the lines.

Picture of the image to be painted on the wall
Overhead transparency
Cardboard box
Colored chalk or Pencil
Paintbrush 1.5″ or 2″ inches wide
Small paintbrushes – the artsy kind

1 Choosing the Design Image

My wife found this picture in a catalog. The photo is actually just a picture of the catalog itself. Other design ideas that would work well include coloring books, children’s books, etc.


2 Tracing the Image

Trace your chosen image onto an overhead transparency.

3 Design Projection

Create a simple makeshift projector using a box, a lamp, and some tape. Project the transparency onto the wall. I found that using a light bulb without the “frosting” on the inside made for a clearer picture.


4 Tracing the Projection/Design

Trace the projected image on the wall with chalk. I used pink chalk since white chalk didn’t show up at all and the color I wanted to paint was pink. You can barely see the pink chalk in the attached photo. Looking at the photo I realize you can’t see it all. Take my word for it, there’s a chalk outline of the mural.


In hindsight, a pencil would have worked just as well and could easily be erased if needed.

5 Painting the Mural

Now that that the picture is drawn on the wall in chalk, paint. Just don’t go outside the lines. This is the hard part. It takes a steady hand and patience. When doing touch-ups, I found these two things made a world of difference:
1) Solid lines with smooth edges
2) A solid coat that does not allow the background color through.


6Finishing the Mural

Finish painting and when the paint dries, wipe the wall down lightly with a clean rag. This will remove the chalk left behind from before. Now step back and marvel at your artistry.


Easy Wall Murals- How to add any Design to a Wall by mmelville3

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