Crafts ~Scrapbooking » MYO Shimmer Spray

MYO Shimmer Spray

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Create your own simple inexpensive shimmer spray in less than a minute with this money-saving do it yourself craft recipe.

If you have some shimmer paint, rubbing alcohol and a mini mister you can create your own Glimmer Mist as well.

Fill the mini mister (to 1/4″ below the screwthreads) with rubbing alcohol. Add a couple drops of shimmer – add cap, shake well.

Alternatively, one of our members submitted the following Shimmer Spray Recipe:

Fill a Small spray bottle with water
add 1 – 2 tsp. mica powder
shake well and Mist!

just a note The alcohol in the recipe causes it to dry almost instantly. If you choose to use the water-based recipe, you’ll need to give it time to dry.

For a pretty pearl shimmer, spray your cardstock BEFORE you stamp, let it dry, then add your stamp over the dried shimmer.

Shimmer Misters are available on Amazon.

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2 thoughts on “MYO Shimmer Spray”

  1. can’t wait to get my supplies out to try this. sounds wonderful who would of thought you could make it yourself and so much cheaper :worthy:


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