Printable Internet coupons have become a big hit, particularly with shows such as Extreme Couponing, but you many be wondering how does one get multiple prints like the folks on the show? Here’s How . . .
There are several tricks for printing additional coupons:
Hit the “Back” button on your browser to Print each coupon a second time. Most coupons are set to allow for 2 prints.
If you’d like to print more than 2 prints, use your backspace key INSTEAD of the Back Button. Oftentimes you can print 5 or more coupons using this method.
Internet Printable Coupons are not based on IP address, which means that if you have multiple computers in your home, you may be able to print coupons from each computer.
Ask Friends and family (who don’t coupon!) to print coupons for you.
Please be aware that some coupons have limits such as “1 per household”, or “1 per person”, which means you aren’t supposed to print more than one for your own use.