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MYO Color safe Bleach

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MYO Color safe Bleach

This recipe is intended for delicate colors;
Helps reduce yellowing in silks and woolens.

In a plastic Gallon Jug add:
2 c. hydrogen peroxide
enough water to fill.

Store covered. To Use:
Soak items in this solution for 10 to 30 minutes



Make your own Color safe Bleach

Meta Description:

Homemade Color Safe Bleach Recipe

Meta Keywords:
do it yourself, color safe bleach recipe, make your own laundry detergent, laundry detergent recipes, laundry soap recipe, homemade laundry soap, homemade detergents, myo laundry soap, myo laundry detergent, frugal laundry, do it yourself laundry recipes, frugal household cleaners, homemade cleaners, homemade soaps, household recipes, liquid laundry soap recipe, powdered laundry soap recipe

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1 thought on “MYO Color safe Bleach”

  1. My preferred laundry non-bleach was no longer manufactured. Thinking to read the label, there it was! Hydrogen Peroxide, available at my local dollar store!

    I’ve been using this exact formulation for several years. It neutralises the sweat acids that normal laundering do not wash out, therefore saving the clothes for longer. A neighbour tried with her teen sons’ clothing, and is very happy with the results.

    Heavier sweat items, blood stains, get a soaking, where other clothes get a quick soak as I’m filling the washer, then pour the remaining contents of the bucket into the washer. It was a bit worrisome to see the foaming and bubbling on the sweaty items, but I realised that this was the neutralisation of the acid. Happily, sometimes even older sweat and blood stains are diminished, and sometimes do disappear.

    No more need for scented detergents or softeners!

    Anne R


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