your personal diaster relief…

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List your personal diaster relief…

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    • #303314

      What kinds of steps have you taken in your life to recover from diaster. be it a tornado, earthquake, nuclear meltdown?

      how much food do you have stockpiled, water, TP…do you have a bug out plan? if so what are you taking wth you?

      my husband and i have different ideas on what is needed and what is to be taken.

      i am a mom so i take mom stuff, food clothing, cleaning. he is a dad so he wants to protect, guns, knifes, wood for burning. the only thing we both agree on is clean water.


      i would just like to see what other people are doing or maybe we could get ideas from each other.

    • #431379

      Our supplies, Matches/Lighters, Water and ammo, lots of ammo. i look at it this way, i can shoot, cook & clean any food i need & remove anyone/thing that tries to steal from us.

      in an emergency i have no problems with eradicating thieves/moochers/looters or other undesirables.

      i am often shocked at the number of people that mass-stock items. I dont know what good does it do? if you’re hit with a tornado- all that stuff is carried away. if you’re hit by flooding, it’s gone, if you’re hit by nuclear fallout- crap- just shoot yourself, the earth wont be worth living on anyway!

      for me, water is about the only legit item worth stocking and since we don’t have much space, we stock water purifier tablets & several clean jugs. (there’s a river very close to our house).

      personally, i think people are too attached to “stuff”. they’ve lost the ability to live off the land, to find natural food sources & to prepare their own food.

    • #431380
      Melissa Burnell

      @bethaliz6894 217023 wrote:

      What kinds of steps have you taken in your life to recover from diaster. be it a tornado, earthquake, nuclear meltdown?

      I’m also not really one to follow the “Sky is falling” theories that have been circulating the last 2 years or so. It does seem like there has been a major shift in energies of people and things have changed drastically – how people treat each other, how impersonal life has become (I blame social networks for this!). . .

      In any case, for us, I think that it’s very important to have clean water on hand, spices/seasonings don’t take up much space and last for years, so I keep quite a few of those too.

      I have made it a point to make a “cookbook” of natural remedies and recipes using various native plants including health remedies, salves, and how to’s for making necessary items- (like flour from native plants around us). We have several firearms and ammo as well.

      The only item that I really want to buy and have is a wonderwash, lol. I think it would be great when we’re camping and it would be nice to have something if we were without power for a long period of time.

      I haven’t really thought about stockpiling tp- but I might reconsider that, the thought of using leaves (particularly with all the rash inducing plants here!) isn’t really encouraging!

      I also keep lots of baking soda & vinegar on hand (several gallons at a time), but that’s mainly because they’re great for cleaning, cooking, etc.

      Several of our friends stock mre’s – some of our friends and family members have solar ovens and massive stockpiles of canned things such as Butter, soups, etc. One of them has even started raising Bee’s for the honey (liquid gold, I’m told!).

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    • #431466

      liss, why dont you have your cookbook of natural remedies published on amazon? i loved the other books you have done. they were actually what brought me to this site several years ago.

      i still remember you describing your kitchen, when i complain about no space, i think back to your kitchen…it was inspiring.

    • #431470
      Melissa Burnell

      @bethaliz6894 218183 wrote:

      liss, why dont you have your cookbook of natural remedies published on amazon? i loved the other books you have done. they were actually what brought me to this site several years ago. i still remember you describing your kitchen, when i complain about no space, i think back to your kitchen…it was inspiring.

      Oh, Thank you! When I think back to that tiny little kitchen with 2 toddlers, a hubby, and a dog running around it makes me laugh now. It’s amazing what you can do with limited space & means if you have to. I look at this way, just think of all the money you save in a smaller house, smaller utility bills, smaller heating bills (well, usually !).

      I’d never really thought about it, that’s a great idea! Way back when, I bought a really neat scrapbook and started taking photos of all the native plants and writing my own notes, (kind of along the lines of the Catnip Mosquito repellent on the site, and the cow itch warning I posted a few weeks ago).

      I’m in the middle of another book right now, but I’ll definitely keep that idea in mind! Thank you 🙂

    • #431473

      Oh, I almost forgot! With all the recent questions and posts about prepared living, disaster prep, etc, I’ve added a new section to the site:

      Prepared Living – – Prepared Living | Disaster Preparation Plans

      I’m working on adding a few checklists and have a couple articles in the works as well. Any input as to what you’d like to see?

    • #431478

      this is really cool, i will think about ideas for you and i will let you know if i can come up with anything. thank you for making a psecial section.

    • #431497

      i have been thinking about some information that you could include, and how about jsut basic life saving skills. since we dont live in the little house on the prairie, having basic skills is not as important. i am thinking about how to build a water filteration system with gravel, sand and charcoal.(i actually learned in the last month they actually meant burnt wood from a camp fire :)) or how to even start a fire.

      i remember one time n survivor, a guy destroyed the flint on the first day because he had no clue how to use it. or how to fish with just a stick or your hand. i think it will be the simple things in life that will help us survive.

      i do know you only need water, food, shelter and protection to survive the kindle is very far down on the list(so says my husband) but getting the basic needs of life, and making sure they are safe for consumption is a different story.

    • #432350

      We really need to have more. When we lived in CA we always kept a water supply in large buckets as well as canned goods.

      At least now we are campers so we do have a Coleman stove, non-battery powered flashlights, and some other survival type gear.

    • #432792

      Interesting thread! I have to agree with the lady with the guns. I also hunt but I think if a large number of people suddenly needed to survive off the land, hunting would become much more difficult than it is now.

      With that in mind, we are now raising a few goats. Currently their only use is keeping the brush cleared on our land which incidentally is what feeds them and if something goes wrong, we have meat and milk. My wife found some cheese recipes on here.

    • #432796

      i would love to make my own cheese, but for some reason it makes me nervous. if you and your wife make some, please report back here and let us know how it goes.

    • #432814

      We don’t have a particular disaster relief plan or any type of bug out plan…but I do stockpile some things. I know we should, but it’s just something we’ve not ever done.
      I’m not really into the whole “gloom and doom” thing, but I do feel our country is heading for a HUGE economic meltdown. Something that may make the “Great Depression” look like good times.
      That’s the reason I -do- stockpile some.

      I don’t have a $25,000 stockpile, or something that needs insuring, but if for some reason if we’re unable to purchase some products, I’ve got that covered…to an extent. I don’t have a 5 year/for 6 people stockpile, but I’ve got enough to get us though a little while.
      As far as ammo, we do have some, but am looking to purchase more for our hand guns. Hubby may need to look into more for his shotguns and rifles.

      Yes, he has several. He loves to hunt, but never for anything he can’t bring home. Deer always get sent to the packing plant or butcher then froze.

      Other things, he gives to those who know what to do with them and need it…but it’s never wasted.

      Liss-I would LOVE to see a print edition of your ‘natural remedies’ “cookbook” or the information it contains!!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List your personal diaster relief…