XMAS: Ice Candles (for kids’ gift giving)

Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice XMAS: Ice Candles (for kids’ gift giving)

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    • #242407

      Make your own Gorgeous Ice Candles!

      These candles are easy to make and turn out very nice. The ice will make a variety of crags, crevices and holes in the wax.


      broken crayons
      cardboard orange juice can (like from a frozen concentrate) Or other holder
      ice cubes
      cotton string

      Melt wax in a double boiler, making sure that the pan on top is dry. (water into wax will explode).

      Braid three long strands of cotton string (the string MUST be cotton to burn correctly). Dip string into wax a few times.

      Put into freezer briefly to harden wax. Keep string straight. Stand string up in center of juice can and pour a small amount of wax in the bottom of can.

      Put can in freezer. Careful not to burn your hands. After 10 minutes remove can, wax should be hard.

      Fill can with ice cubes, making sure that wick stays in the center. Fill can with liquid wax to about 1/2 inch from top.

      Wait for cubes to melt and wax to harden. Pour off water. Remove cardboard from candle.

      And there it is a very nice creation!

      Video of what they look like when they’re done

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Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice XMAS: Ice Candles (for kids’ gift giving)