Winter time and Detectors

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Winter time and Detectors

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    • #265390

      This is that time of year when it gets cold and we need to start checking our detectors!!!

      Daylight Saving Time begins for most of the United States at 2 a.m.
      on the second Sunday of March.

      Time reverts to standard time at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of
      November. In the U.S., each time zone switches at a different time.

      Twice a year, when Daylight Savings Time begins or ends, make it a
      habit to not only change your clocks, but do a few other semi-annual
      tasks that will improve safety in your home…

      Do these things every 6 months when you reset your clocks:

      Check and replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide
      (co) alarms. replace any smoke alarms older than ten years. replace
      any co alarms older than five years.

      prepare a disaster supply kit for your house (water, food,
      flashlights, batteries, blankets).

      once you’ve created your home disaster kit, use the semi-annual time
      change to check its contents (including testing/replacing flashlight

      a cold winter is coming! make a “winter car-emergency kit” now and
      put your vehicle! (don’t know what to include?

      do an internet search
      for “car emergency kit” and you’ll find lots of ideas!) it’s a good idea to carry a car-emergency kit in your car year-round, but be sure to add cold-weather gear to your general car-emergency kit each fall. (having a separate duffle/gear bag clearly marked “cold gear” specifically for your cold weather emergency gear makes it easy to add or take out of the car, seasonally.) like a boy scout, “be prepared!”

      in cold weather, even a very minor car problem or flat tire can be
      deadly serious, or at the very least, miserable to deal with, unless you’re
      well prepared.

      check home and outbuilding storage areas for hazardous materials.
      discard (properly, please) any which are outdated, no longer used, or
      in poor condition. move any which are within reach of kids or pets.

      check and discard expired medications – those dates really do have
      eaning – some very common over-the-counter medications can cause
      serious problems due to change through aging.

      remember to check the age of your detectors!

      on november 2nd, 2007, the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
      (CPSC), press release #08-062, suggests not only to check/change
      batteries in alarms, but also check the age of the alarms and replace
      older alarms. The cpsc suggests that consumers replace smoke alarms every ten years and replace carbon monoxide (co) alarms every five years.
      sensors in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms degrade and lose effectiveness over time through environmental contamination and age.

      :120103_emTE32_prv (

    • #401741

      Just another item that it is time to change out-just easier if you do it with the time change is your toothbrush. Goofy I know but it makes it easier to remember when you purchased them and to replace them if you only go to the Dentist once a year. 🙂

    • #401746

      Well it’s cold here today, a good day to check all of these items. And get a jump start. Almost forgot about the time changing. Takes Ladies

    • #401747

      We change our toothbrushes when we run out of toothpaste…(a few times a year too) I am a stickler on brushing teeth..the cost of those braces are straining me… 🙂

    • #401749

      I hear you on the braces. I keep threatening to have them pulled off and him having to repay me for them unless he keeps them cleaner-brush, brush, brush, brush.

    • #401751

      How in the world do these dentist come up wth this pricing too??? It looks so darn easy when they are putting them on too almost like we could do it!!

    • #401753

      Oh I know a little super glue a little wire little rubber bands…man I went into the wrong career just have this thing about sticking my fingers into someone elses mouth

    • #401754

      I’m blessed that I never had to deal with braces. The braces and pricing almost sounds like the gas prices.

    • #401756

      Oh my, forgot that…..I wouldnt like that thing of putting my hands in someone elses mouth either……yuck…. I lucked into a GREAT orthodontist though…I only had to put $600.00 deposit down and I pay $160.00 a month…..compaired to my friend who had to put down $2,500.00 and pays $250.00 a month….

    • #401787

      I send out a monthly check fire extingushers reminders on my list .. My gf, retired fire dept, says you must flip the fire extingushers at least once a month ..

      My latest reminder to the lists was: clean out the junk drawer of batteries .. You can actually have a fire if metal goes across the 9 volts (probably the other ones too) .. one day when the kids are NOT around take a 9 volt over to the sink and put an old brillo pad across it ..

      Not funny at all .. I found that the silverware drawer inserts (the ones that are straight dividers not spoon shaped) work fantastic for battery holders and if you put them in the closet with the rest of your “bug out/emergency” gear its handy for radios, flashlights etc


    • #401789


      Wow, now that is something I was not aware of….the battery thing…I usually keep all my batteries in a wicker basket too…OUT of the plastic packaging….I am a little scared to do the brillo think with a 9 volt……but you can tell me though 🙂 I have those silverware dividers, a few extra too…

      Thank you so much for that great tip!!!!

    • #402209

      I’ll have to say thanks for the tip about the battery. Learn something new every day.

    • #402215

      I agree..I learn something from my kids everyday – they amaze me!!

      Hi JoAnn!! Hope your doing ok!!!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Winter time and Detectors