Why Resolutions Fail

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    • #268128

      5 Reason Why Resolutions Fail
      half way through

      1. Not staying true and to the the point.
      2. There are always so many distractions — and everything seems so important.
      3. You’re afraid of what other people may think or say.
      4. You lose your motivation half-way through, or even just before you’re about to see some results
      5. You’re uncertain you’ve made the right decision, so you change course a lot

      Any ideas thoughts to add to this list might help the ones that have a hard time keeping their New Resolutions

    • #406901

      How ’bout some ways to stick to it?

      *Instead of a New Year’s Resolution, set a day after Christmas resolution. You get a week’s worth of head start on the rest of the world and it feels great to be ahead of the pack. I quit smoking the day after Christmas 2 years ago. 😀

      *Make one attainable resolution. I mean, really: NO MORE SUGAR EVER; WORK OUT EVERY DAY….too restrictive and unrealistic.

      *Set true goals. LOSE WEIGHT is too generic. I WILL LOSE TWENTY POUNDS THIS YEAR, AND HERE’S HOW is much better.

      *Have a plan. Lose weight is a common goal, so let’s go with that. Your plan might look like this:
      -exercise 4 times a week: walk with dog, videos, or do aerobics during commercials
      -count calories (or whatever your method. the point is write it down)
      -replace high calorie beverages with diet cola, water, etc

      *find a buddy to share your goal.

      *keep a mantra. A bible verse, a quote, a simple, short can-do sentence. Stick it on the fridge and read it often.

      *replace the undesired behavior. Stop eating in bed. Change your morning routine if you used to drink coffee and smoke (oh, and if you’re quitting, start some fiber therapy. That thing about smoking and coffee and morning er…constitutionals? Yeah, fiber will help continue your er…flow. lol)

      *Stay positive.

      *Give it time. Allow yourself 21 days. Commit to this new thing for at least that long. You can do anything for 21 days.

    • #406903

      How ’bout some ways to stick to it?

      I like this even better Michelle, finding positive ways for New Year’s Resolutions to stick.

      It’s all in the planning, isn’t it..

    • #406907

      Personally I don’t think New Year’s Resolutions work. Especially the lose weight one. Maybe planning a better way such as not necessarily to lose the weight but really look at the reason for the problem-such as eat small portions, eat more fruits and vegetables

      *Give it time. Allow yourself 21 days. Commit to this new thing for at least that long. You can do anything for 21 days.

      This is hard it only takes 7 days to form a habit but 21 days to break it. Have to be really realistic and make the resolution because you want to and just because you think you should.

      Something you need to revisit every few weeks to see what you need to change to stick with it.

    • #406914

      Break it down into smaller parts

      Work on the little bits, once its a habit then go to the next one

      (*sorta like telling the kids to clean their rooms when they are trashed – they can’t do it BUT if you say, Pick up all the clothes and hang ,, then pick up the toys (if a lot you may have to be specific) .. etc etc)

      Get a DRILL PARTNER (*from the idea of a drill instructor in the military) .. this is an IM buddy/partner, that you chit chat for about 15 mins (thats your reward) and then work for 30-45 mins.. you both keep each other on track for your personal projects, it doesn’t matter if you are doing taxes and they are getting through the pile of sewing repairs .. when you report back to each other you gain support and encouragement

      If I have someone on an IM and we chit chat for about 15 mins, then we BOTH can go do whatever (cleaning, cooking, exercise, bills, taxes, sewing, even working on crafts etc) report back and s/he does the same. We are getting immediate feedback from someone and SUPPORT its fantastic.

      Sometimes because of health issues I can’t work at something for any long length of time. By doing the short 30-45 mins I can break even a large project into managable pieces.

      I also am ADHD and can easily get sidetracked (a girlfriend once called it rabbit trails) having to report back in 30-45 mins keeps me focused.

      I can ALWAYS use another drill partner .. HINT HINT


    • #406916


      Get a DRILL PARTNER (*from the idea of a drill instructor in the military) .. this is an IM buddy/partner, that you chit chat for about 15 mins (thats your reward) and then work for 30-45 mins.. you both keep each other on track for your personal projects, it doesn’t matter if you are doing taxes and they are getting through the pile of sewing repairs .. when you report back to each other you gain support and encouragement

      What a wonderful idea… What kind do you need — I’m around after 730 pm…hint :002:

    • #406919


      This is hard it only takes 7 days to form a habit but 21 days to break it. Have to be really realistic and make the resolution because you want to and just because you think you should.

      Being realistic, has to be one of the main keys. The info is so…

    • #406921

      just someone on yahoo IM or whatever (I could download another kind I think) ..
      la.modsquad6 on yahoo

      I sometimes forget to put on the IM (don’t run my speakers either) so sometimes people need to email me “hey ria, turn on IM” LOL

      I need to get the kitchen done and a million other projects so I can DRILL with anyone just about anytime

      What projects do you need to do?

      gotta run to oil company and get kero, for the storm back in a few


    • #406923

      Ria and JoAnn, I can take a hint :041: I am good at motivating other people but sometimes can’t seem to motivate myself. PM me with the IM you use if we use a same one this might really work!
      Thanks for the hint!!!

    • #406924

      hey Kim,
      If you aren’t on my PM not sure how to do it .. if you want to set me up feel free ..

      my yahoo IM is la.modsquad6 ..

      does BUD101 have IM?

      heading out to get kero will be back hopefully in an hour (also a dump run)


    • #406925

      I need to get the kitchen done and a million other projects so I can DRILL

      Lets drill it I’m evening… after 8
      Tell me to get on my feet and off my seat…..

    • #406926

      Selecting unrealistic goals! I remember my failed resolutions from years past: I’m going to lose 50 pounds; I’m going to exercise 3 times a week; I’m going to write in my journal every day. Now I use more thought and include the whole family in making a choice on what goal we really need to improve in. 2 years ago we decided to change and improve our diet by cutting simple sugars and starches and eating more whole grains and fresh produce. It was a permanent change in not only my life but my whole family and changed us so much many friends and family have changed also! Last year we worked on getting ourselves on a budget and controlling what we buy. We all learned a lot about what is really needed and what are wants. It’s been another life changing goal and a great big eye opener for me! This year we’ll be trying hard to grow all the food we can produce ourselves for the coming year. by setting a goal as a family and all working together, we are able to keep us on track and it’s a goal we all decided on together.

    • #406929

      OK I started a new topic titled DRILL PARTNERS or something like that. Since we are slightly off topic here ..


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