White Castles Stuffing

Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc White Castles Stuffing

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    • #239320

      15 White Castles or Krystals ( if you dont have a white castles where
      you live)( make sure you get them without pickles)
      1 egg
      1 t. garlic powder

      Place a burger meat and all on cutting board. Cut with a knife like a
      tic tac toe board.
      Do this to all the burgers.
      Once that is done get a bowl and put the cutted burgers in a large
      bowl add the egg and the garlic.
      Mix with hands…seems to mix better then with a spoon.

      Put in baking dish or in a bread pan (spray with pam) and cover with
      tin foil bake in oven for 35 mins at 350 degrees.

      What I do is use a bread pan take the thin slices of pork chop stand
      it up in the bread pan then add stuffing about a 1 1/2 cups then add
      another pork chop and add more stuffing, then another pork chop until
      you can’t fit anymore pork chops and stuffing in there. Cover with
      Tin Foil and cook the same as you would if it was just the stuffing.
      If there is extra stuffing just make a bowl out of tin foil and add a
      little butter and cover and cook at the same time.
      This is a very easy recipe and you can even use the frozen white
      castles that are in the grocery stores.

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc White Castles Stuffing