Where is the balance?

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    • #237677

      Where do you draw the line between being frugal and being/becoming down right cheap and too much of a hardcore penny pincher and too obsessive? When is it time to find that balance of running a smooth budget and creating a stressful environment because compulsion has set in and no one can do anything fun or right when it comes to the budget or spending a little bit of extra money?

    • #460890

      @saferhomemom 2797 wrote:

      Where do you draw the line between being frugal and being/becoming down right cheap and too much of a hardcore penny pincher and too obsessive? When is it time to find that balance of running a smooth budget and creating a stressful environment because compulsion has set in and no one can do anything fun or right when it comes to the budget or spending a little bit of extra money?

      Where to draw the line- well.. if your friends and family are looking at you like you’ve lost your marbles when you reuse your coffee grounds for the 3rd time, or you feel the need to HIDE the “Frugal” things you’re doing to avoid raised eyebrows, it might be time to check yourself.

      It makes a difference on whose opinion you’re relying on, for example, if your best friend has a tendency to spend lavishly, buy herself new make-up, get mani’s & pedi’s and she thinks you’re crazy because you paint your own nails- then chances are, you’re not over the line, she just hasn’t reached it.

      When it comes to spending as a family, set a goal, for example, set a once per month fun day- where you have a dollar amount that suits your budget. Maybe it’s a $50 limit, maybe $100. That way the entire family is on the same page of how much to spend and when.

      Then.. if there is something that you all really want to do, like taking the entire family to an amusement park for say $200-, you can mark it on the calendar- well, if I have $100 to spend this month- not quite enough, then you’re all on the same page of how much money you have and what you can do. You may be surprised to see the things the kids come up with for CHEAP entertainment when they KNOW what the budget allows.

      My oldest is now in college and he cringes at some of the things his friends do when it comes to money (& the mishandling of it!).

    • #460905

      I think you answered your own question, saferhomemom. That balance is going to be a little different for everyone. But when it goes from adding to your joy and quality of life to detracting from it, that’s your balance.

      Frugality, like any other philosophy and lifestyle, should give us a sense of purpose and freedom. If that “freedom” shackles you to the kitchen and a series of spreadsheets and gives you nightmares, it’s time to reconsider.

      In short, listen to your intuition and your body. Is your body giving you stress signals? Do you feel happy or high-strung when you clip coupons?

      And so forth …

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