What would you do??

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    • #274438

      While grocery shopping today I noticed that pizza was BOGO and the shelf tag was 6.48. I had two $1 coupons and figured that each pizza would be 3.24 minus my $1 coupon = 2.24. Not bad, so I added them to my cart.
      When I got home and reviewed my receipt to enter it into my monthly grocery expenses I noticed that on several items I purchases at the BOGO it listed the full price of both items and than reduced one item at the end of the receipt. Well the pizza rang up at half price $3.24 each and then it was reduced by $3.24 at the end of my reciept. After my $2 coupons I ended up paying only 1.24 for both of them.
      I think this must be a register programing mistake.

      1. Should I call the store and question this and see if it’s an error and offer to pay them more?

      2. Should I keep my mouth shut and enjoy the unexpected savings?

      3. Should I run back to the store and get some more Pizza? The sale is good for another 2 days?

      What would you do?

    • #423348

      yes I would call to see what hapend.

    • #423350

      Yes, I would contact the store about it.

    • #423356

      I also would call the store, if it is a mistake, then they will need to make up for it my marking up something else. If it isn’t a mistake, then go back and get more pizza! Thank you for being so honest in telling us, it is so refreshing to know that there are people who live in integrity today!

    • #423365

      Ok, called the store today and spoke with customer service, even after explaining that the item seemed to be ringing up already at half price and then still being reduced by one item I was told that was correct. I asked her to double check to make sure the register was programed correctly for this item but she insisted it was correct.

      So going back tomorrow to get 2 more Palmero (regular size) greek piazzas for total cost of $1.24 after coupons. Still can’t believe that. Hope they’re good, wish I had more freezer space.

      Thanks for the advice, ya’ll kind of helped me “do the right thing” when I was really tempted to just take advantage of what I still feel is their mistake.

    • #423366

      congrats on getting a good deal on Pizza. 🙂

      I would have called the store, too. It pays to be honest. Had it been an error, they would have probably let you keep it, but you wouldnt have gotten anymore. LOL

      At least you let them know!

    • #423383

      Yes it always taste better when you call and make sure and make it right! Glad you got a great deal!

    • #423401

      I’d call the store. Mistakes like this cost the company/store and they pass the expense on to consumers eventually.

    • #424210

      Contact the store is what I would do!! Good Luck!!

    • #424271

      What store was this? Tom Thumb does the same thing, at first I questioned the receipt but it was correct. I got 180 dollars worth of groceries right at 62 dollars and change.

    • #424286

      The store was Food Lion and it just didn’t seem right for them to ring up at half price and then have one of them taken off at the end. I still think someone programed their computer wrong on that item. But then Food Lion does some crazy things. Anyway, my pizza was good.

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