What NOT to give her for Valentine’s Day:

Holidays & Special Occasions Valentines Day What NOT to give her for Valentine’s Day:

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    • #268481

      Here’s a list of what NOT to give her for Valentines Day:

      1. A box of chocolates, clumsily rearranged in an attempt to hide the fact you ate all the carmel ones.
      2. Lingerie that you think will look almost as good on her as on the Victoria’s Secret model.

      Any clothing item with the words “push-up” or “slim-down” on the label.
      4. Any food item with the words “diet”, “light”, or “high fiber” on the label.
      5. Any video starring Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, or Jim Carrey.

      Flowers from a hospital’s gift shop–or worse, a mortuary’s.
      7. Poetry, no matter how heartfelt, that starts out “There was once a girl from Nantucket…”
      8. Anything you ever gave another woman, including your mother.

      Any household appliance, power tool or other item from the harder side of Sears.
      10. Anything you could have bought at the gas station mini-mart on the way over, even if you didn’t.

    • #429604

      :my Heart fire up fo hehe these are funny!

    • #431421

      CUTE! need to find a way to print this!

    • #431665

      @rtebalt 97585 wrote:

      Here’s a list of what NOT to give her for Valentines Day:

      1. A box of chocolates, clumsily rearranged in an attempt to hide the fact you ate all the carmel ones.
      2. Lingerie that you think will look almost as good on her as on the Victoria’s Secret model.
      3. Any clothing item with the words “push-up” or “slim-down” on the label.
      4. Any food item with the words “diet”, “light”, or “high fiber” on the label.
      5. Any video starring Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, or Jim Carrey.
      6. Flowers from a hospital’s gift shop–or worse, a mortuary’s.
      7. Poetry, no matter how heartfelt, that starts out “There was once a girl from Nantucket…”
      8. Anything you ever gave another woman, including your mother.
      9. Any household appliance, power tool or other item from the harder side of Sears.
      10. Anything you could have bought at the gas station mini-mart on the way over, even if you didn’t.

      Too funny!!
      I’ve got to print this list and give to Hubby…our anniversary is Valentine’s Day.
      ((He’s been a pretty good boy…I don’t recall him being guilty of these))

    • #434728

      Haha! Nice list, I love the first one, too funny. 🙂

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Holidays & Special Occasions Valentines Day What NOT to give her for Valentine’s Day: