What is the most useful wedding favor you have gotten or gav

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events What is the most useful wedding favor you have gotten or gav

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    • #240333

      I have never gotten anything ‘useful’ and I don’t think people really
      care if it’s useful. All of the ‘useful’ things I’ve seen (on TV and
      such) are expensive and ordinary–ie. tiny picture frames.

      And unless
      it is someone really close to you such as a child or best friend, do
      you really care if you have a candle on your table with someone’s name
      and wedding date on them when it’s, say, someone you worked with for a
      few months and don’t even talk to anymore?
      Our ‘favors’ were hershey’s miniatures wrapped in personalized labels
      that we got on ebay with our names and date on them. We also had the
      tiny bubbles with a little tag on them with the same info but none of
      it was ‘useful.’ We made sure we had enough of the hershey bars so
      that everyone could eat one and save one if they wanted, but it wasn’t
      intended to be useful–just something they could put in a ‘memory box’
      and think of us when they see it–if they even kept it.

      For $20 total,
      who cares if they kept it?
      We had ivy at the reception and each of my aunts, my grandma, my
      mom–in general, my closest relatives each got one, which, assuming it
      lived will be a nice reminder. We got married in pa and the one my mom
      took did great until she brought it out here to co where it died. 🙁
      that brings up one useful thing i guess–if you can get personalized
      flower seeds, like forget me nots or some perennial that will come up
      and remind them of you.
      but, in short, i wouldn’t be worried if the things are ‘useful’ because
      they’re not really ‘expected’ to be.
      sorry for writing a book!

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events What is the most useful wedding favor you have gotten or gav