What I did with a beef brisket

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List What I did with a beef brisket

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      My local grocery had beef briskets on sale right before the 4th of July

      weekend for $.87 a pound and I bought one that weighed a little over 12


      Sense there is just my dh and me, I had the butcher to cut it in thirds.

      After we got home, I put each third in zippered freezer bags and froze

      them. Then this past Friday, after thawing one of the thirds in the

      fridge, I fixed it in the slow cooker. After it cooked and it cooled,

      dh cut most of the fat off. Dh, my brother and I ate on it for lunch

      and dinner until last night. Then this morning, I ground it up with my

      food grinder and put the meat in zippered freezer bags and froze it for

      later use. I will get it out sometime next month, and after it thaws

      out, I will put it in a skillet and put some bar-b-que sauce on it and

      heat it up for bar-b-que sandwiches.

      I will be able to have several meals from the briskets that`s left.


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List What I did with a beef brisket