wedding gift

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    • #273074

      The two members in my Chrisitan club are getting marry. What should I give to them?

      I want to give them a meaningful, useful and unexpensive gift.

      Any idea??

    • #420887

      Not sure what their situation is but one of the best gifts I love to give to friends when they get married is the meals in a jar. This really helps out so that tehy do not have to run right away to the store for food items.

    • #420893

      When I got married I got a wonderful gift that was awesome and I still cherish it all these years later. I love walking out of the laundry room and seeing it.

      Take a nice large silver picture frame with a fancy matte that has space for two photos and place their wedding invitation on one side and leave the other side blank for them to add a wedding photo.

    • #420896
      Janice Terrell

      I used to give a basket with things like salt, pepper, commonly used spices (the 2/$1.00 kind), coffee filters, roll of paper towels, napkins – you know the kind of stuff. Go to the Dollar store. You can probably find lots of things for $1 or 2/$1.

      This keeps them from having to make special trips for little things they might have forgotten. Might also toss in some of those free samples like coffee, tooth paste or laundry soap.

    • #420898

      I give a small laundry basket full of odds and ends and always put in a book of stamps too! My niece said they had the best time sorting through all the stuff in the basket. I lined it with tissue paper and then over the month I just added stuff I thought they could use.

      some of it was new and some was stuff I had on hand. I made up a small recipe book with family stories and pictures to put in also. I could go buy something big but this takes a little time and I have fun filling it and everyone I’ve given it too says it’s one of the best gifts they get.

      So much fun to go through and everything is something they can use.

    • #420906

      @Janice Terrell 117501 wrote:

      I used to give a basket with things like salt, pepper, commonly used spices (the 2/$1.00 kind), coffee filters, roll of paper towels, napkins – you know the kind of stuff. Go to the Dollar store. You can probably find lots of things for $1 or 2/$1.

      This keeps them from having to make special trips for little things they might have forgotten. Might also toss in some of those free samples like coffee, tooth paste or laundry soap.

      that is a fabulous idea! I love this!

    • #420910

      wow thank
      Keep the idea comming. 🙂

    • #420913

      @danghsia 117481 wrote:

      The two members in my Chrisitan club are getting marry. What should I give to them?

      I want to give them a meaningful, useful and unexpensive gift.

      Any idea??


      Wine is one beautiful gift which never goes out of style. So I think Gourmet wind gift baskets would be a great idea to give as a gift on wedding.

      Jefferson Cohen
      just a noteUnPaid Advertising Link Removed.

    • #421053

      I have given a “honeymoon basket”
      Depends on the couple what is in it, but I have put:
      Wine, or nonalchoholic sparkling grape juice ( comes in a fancy bottle like champagne but is only about $3)
      cheese, crackers, fruit, sample bottles of elegant looking shampoo, body wash, etc.
      I put alot of my samples in a box and then I include them in gift baskets like these, I have also found really cool new body lotions, shampoos, etc.

      in the thrift stores. The other day I found a gift box of a full size Mary Kay body lotion with a new sealed body scrubber in a gift box for $3!!! I am giving this to my mom for Mother’s Day.
      Anyway, you can also put a silver butter knife or cheese spreader in the gift basket, little wine glasses ( they have beautiful ones at Wal-mart really cheaP) then tie little bows around each glass.
      I have always gotten rave reviews when I give a gift basket like this at a shower or a wedding.
      just be creative.

      I always look for baskets at yard sales and thrift shops so I have a few on hand. There are some really classy, beautiful ones out there for cheap!!!
      Good luck,

    • #421098

      Monika, I have also done the same thing. About 3 years ago a couple at our church got married, and I got the bottle of the sprakling grape juice for them. With the wine glasses and put it in a basket with cheese and fruit.

      They loved it. And filling a basket it also a great idea. You could fill it with so many great things.

      Newly married couples could use almost anything. They are starting new and may not have much to start with. The little things can count for alot.

    • #421110

      The most meaningful gift we received is our invitation framed in a plain shiny frame, matted with only a couple flowers on the upper right and left corners of the matt. The giver did it herself; the supplies come from a store such as AC Moore, JoAnn’s, or Michael’s. I love this gift!

    • #421121

      I have done baskets before also for weddings. I have made a breakfast basket for the for a couple I knew was not going anywhere right away for the next morning. It included bagels and muffins, a jar of my homemade jam.

      2 small plates, cloth napkins (all dollar store!)and a bottle of sparkling juice. as well as some extra little things .
      They told me how they really enjoyed it.
      I also have done a picnic basket filled with items for a romantic picnic together.

    • #421132

      I love the laundry baskets full of Cleaning products and laundry detergent. If you had the time you could make up your own cleaning products and detergents and throw in a little book of recipes for different cleaners. And a set of towells.

      Also if they haven’t read the “power of the praying wife”… I have friends who swear by this book and give it to every couple on their wedding day.

      Making up your own recipe book is a great idea too. I had a friend do this for me when I first bought my own home. It’s been priceless!

      She just wrote out her recipes on index cards and put them in a photo album. It’s the perfect size and the recipes are protected by the plastic.

    • #426758

      There can be many options for wedding gifts such as flowers, apparels, jewelry, home appliances, etc. If I would have to send gift to a newly married couple, i would gift a lemon icebox cookies soy clean & contemporary jar candle. Candles makes wonderful gift and enhance the complete environment creating a special aura.

      They give more than just Candle Light. This gift can be utilized to make the evening a memorable one.

    • #426993

      danghsia you can give.

      1. Simple White Ramekin Wedding Favor Dishes – Set of 2

      Retail $3.50.

      2. Clear Looker Box Wedding Favors – Heart

      Retail $4.95.

      3.Yummy! Cupcake Candle Wedding Favors

      As low as: $1.15.

      4.Personalized A Winter Holiday Candy Jars Wedding Favors

      As low as: $1.10.

      or any thing because price doesn’t matter in friendship.



      just a note UnPaid Advertisement Removed

    • #427008

      Two of my favorite wedding gifts we received were…

      1) A beautiful family Bible.
      2) Invitation plate. – A friend of the family took our invitation and cut it up and modge podged it to the back of a clear glass plate and painted the whole back of it silver. (so you are looking through the glass at the art)
      May be hard to picture but it looks like an art piece and means so much because she made it for us.

      (she also included our stamp so 50 years from now our grandkids can see how much postage was way back then:002:)

      I really like the ideas of the meals in jars or prepared meals of some sort.

      A friend of mine received an address book completely filled out with both hers and her husbands friends and family’s addresses, phone numbers and birthdays! I thought this was a great gift although I have no idea how you’d gather the info.

      The baskets of household supplies are nice ideas however I think that would depend on the couple. That would be great for a very young couple that was leaving home for the first time.
      My husband and I did not live together before we were married but we were out on our own so we had doubles of most household things as it was.

      Another idea would be a pretty wedding scrap book. You could start it out with the invitation.

    • #435030

      If you want to give a wedding gift of your relative then you select any gold ring and any diamond jewellery.

    • #438210

      Give them something they can use as they start the new chapter of their life.

    • #439674

      I gave a friend this stylish wall clock. 🙂 It cost quite a bit but I know that it will look good with the interior of their new home.

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