Wedding favors

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Wedding favors

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    • #241609

      Okay, I know everyone is different and it may just be a function of rural
      verse an urban environment, but…

      I got married almost a year ago (the first day of Spring) and had exactly 12
      people at my ceremony: my DH’s siblings with spouses, my twin sister and
      three very close family friends.

      We did a civil ceremony since that’s what counts, not the chuch… I bought
      a formal gown, but it wasn’t a wedding dress per se and my twin sister made
      a fur caplet since it was chilly that day; I had my hair and makeup done at
      Elizabeth Arden (not cheap!) and we were able to take everyone to a local
      five star restaurant for lunch (it was a Monday). We had a five course
      meal, custom wedding cake, menus and plenty of digital pictures taken by

      That’s it… And it was awesome and although it was small, it was extremely
      classy and I had ONLY the people I wanted there, not those I felt I needed
      to invite just “because”.

      On another note, DH and I just participated in a a wedding of one of his
      co-workers which turned out to be also very classy and nicely done. This
      was a more religious ceremony, with a church community but there was a live
      band that played during the ceremony and the bride actually sang a song to
      her groom which was extremely beautiful. The church was decorated nicely
      but not overdone and the reception was at a community center at noon…
      There was a chocolait fountain (big hit!) and a gingerale punch fountain for
      refreshments. No tables, just chairs in this community room and they only
      had cake.

      But it was still great — their first wedding and in an expensive area of
      the country (northern virginia) so it was nice that they could realize what
      they could afford and the community they invited was accepting of the fact
      that it was dry and cake only….

      You have to decide what’s important. Personally, the whole toss the garter,
      first dance, etc… Not important to me. I wanted a nice dinner with the
      ones I love and I’m very happy with the results.

      In any event, I hope this didn’t turn out to be a rant. I have attended too
      many weddings that were overdone and tacky because the bride thought she had
      to do it all when in fact, you don’t… You truly really don’t.


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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Wedding favors