Wedding Favor Ideas

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Wedding Favor Ideas

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    • #237933

      1) Small amounts of potpourri wrapped in tulle and tied with a thin ribbon

      which coordinates with the bride’s wedding colors. You can hot glue a small

      silk flower on the ribbon where it is knotted.

      2) Scented votive candles wrapped in tulle and decorated the same as above.

      3. Small homemade candies or lollipop type things… I’ve seen molds for

      roses, as well as many other things.


      1)In Italy they make a small package of wedding cookies-tulle tied with

      ribbon for each guest to take home

      2)At a wedding I recently attended they had spoons in the wedding

      colors with a Hershey’s kiss and a Hershey’s hug in the bowl of

      the spoon, a small piece of tulle was put over the bowl of the

      spoon and then tied with a satin ribbon(you could use curling

      ribbon also) to keep the candy in place. Caught on with the

      ribbon was the following–Hugs and Kisses for all of our friends

      who blessed us with their attendance at our wedding, or whatever

      you wanted to say after the Hugs and Kisses.


      We thank you, each and every one for joining us this day,
      You’ve added to our happiness in a very special way,
      So as you plant this flower bulb,and watch it grow and bloom,
      May memories of our special day, forever fill your room.

      wrap a bulb in tulle and tie with a ribbon attach poem


      Hershey Kiss Favors (Poem)

      submitted by Engaged Couples Mailing List

      I am taking a glass (card) bowl and placing purple (my color) foil paper on the inside. It is also decorated with ribbons on the outside. I am placing a sign on the edge of the bowl that says: Hugs and Kisses

      From the New Mr. and Mrs. Inside of the bowl I am placing Hershey Hugs and Kisses candies as a small reception favor. You may also wrap one Hug and one Kiss individually in tulle and then tie it with a ribbon (or paper) that says the sweet saying on it!


      I am also using Hershey Kiss favors, only with a different twist. I am taking a plastic spoon and two kisses and wrapping them up in a small circle of tulle. Next to them I am placing a sign that reads: A spoon full of love, And a couple of kisses… A whole lot of thanks From the Mr. & Mrs.


      Here’s the verse I made up to use with one of our favors (2 Hershey’s Huggs, 2 Hershey’s Kisses wrapped in tulle circle – you choose color(s), then tie verse with curling ribbon or twist tie): We thought it would be kind of neat to give each of you a special treat. So here are a few huggs & kisses from the new mr. and mrs.!!!


      jordan almond poem

      ? 1998 by Jill Marie Girardo at

      Five candied almonds for each guest to eat
      To remind us that life is both bitter and sweet.
      Five wishes they hold for the new man and wife:
      Health, happiness, wealth, children and a long life!

    • #454067

      Awesome ideas. I will definitely share these with my cousin who is currently looking for affordable venues for their wedding sometime next year.

    • #454991

      Hershey kiss roses. These are time consuming but very pretty.

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Wedding Favor Ideas